Why I’m Learning Korean

If you follow me on my studygram, you will know that at the beginning of this year I decided to learn Korean. Every day up until recently (I’ve started a creative writing course as well so I’m now juggling both) I’ve been slowly building up my Korean knowledge. Today’s blog post, I’m giving you my reasons for starting this new learning journey.

I Loved Language Learning At School

When I joined secondary school, I was put into one of the ‘extension’ classes (meaning I was in the top class) and so I had to learn both Spanish and French for three years, before picking my GCSEs. It could be quite confusing learning the two languages simultaneously, especially as I think in Year 8, I had Spanish followed by French.

Despite this, I didn’t end up taking a language for my GCSEs and not taking French has been a little regret of mine. I really enjoyed learning the different languages and I seemed to be naturally talented at it so I couldn’t wait to start learning something completely new.

One Of The Hardest Languages To Learn

I don’t know whether it’s true but I’ve been hearing a lot that Korean is one of the hardest languages to learn if your native speech is English. From what I’ve studied so far, this does look to be the case but it’s definitely not an impossible language to learn. I know for many people, Korean is a hard language would make them not want to learn it but for me, it’s the opposite. I wanted a challenge and learning Korean allowed that to happen.

Welcome back! (2)

I Love Watching Korean Dramas

This is no secret to any of you. I don’t really listen to K-pop any more but I still love watching Korean Dramas. I also watch with subtitles but even then, some phrases aren’t translated. At those moments, I always found myself wishing that I knew what they said and to do this, I needed to learn Korean.

Getting Back Into Studying

I’ve mentioned this a lot but in October, I’m hoping to start my degree in English Literature and Creative writing. After leaving Sixth Form, I haven’t done any learning and I knew it would be a huge jump to go from nothing to a degree so I knew I needed to get back into studying. Learning Korean was something I wanted to do for a while. It was something I genuinely wanted to learn instead of forcing myself to learn something I wasn’t excited about.

Are you learning a language?

Did you enjoy this blog post? If you did, why not have a read of these similar posts:

Welcome Back! (1)

Taking My Gap Year A Year Early

If you had told me a year ago or even six months ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. Life is full of surprises though and here we are! So today I’m giving a little life update about where I am as up until recently, I was posting about my time in sixth form and I suddenly stopped. The reason for that is that in September, I made the decision to leave Sixth Form and take my gap year a year early. I’m not going to explain my reasons for doing so as it’s very personal but you can know it was due to my mental health.

Instead of explaining why I thought I’d explain the process a bit and what I’m planning to do going forward.

How Did I Leave A Year Early?

If you’re a bit confused about how I was able to take my gap year early, don’t worry, I was completely clueless about this before I looked into it.

In England, the law is that you’re required to stay in some form of education until your 18. My birthday was at the start of September so starting Year 13, I was actually at the age where I could leave.

Obviously, my sixth form wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing but overall they were actually very supportive and happy that I was putting my mental health first. All it actually took was signing a form, telling them what I was planning to do and returning all the stuff I had borrowed from the school (so my lanyard and textbooks). That was it so it was really simple.

What Am I Doing Now?

Well, the main thing I’m doing is building myself back up. It’s tough but I am making progress which is a great thing. Of course, there’s still a lot of things I need to work through but all progress is amazing.

In this gap year, I’m putting my time into things I love and are passionate about and this includes this blog! This is something I love a lot and I’m really hoping to grow it looking into next year.

I’m also putting time into reading, doing creative writing and getting into craft. It’s been really wonderful to actually spend time doing things I really enjoy without having to worry about school work.

Taking My Gap Year A Year Early

What’s next when it comes to studying?

In October 2020, I’m hoping to study a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing with the Open University! Although leaving a year early means that I don’t have any A-Levels, the great thing about the Open University is that you don’t need any! I’m very happy that I’ll be able to continue learning as I do really enjoy it.

I hope this post helps people who are unsure whether Sixth Form or even University is the thing for you! If you want to pursue education but don’t have qualifications you can, you should never let anything stop you.

Beth x 

Year 12

I’ve finally finished Year 12! That’s a bit of a bittersweet thing to write as I really loved Year 12 (I think it’s been my favourite year in a long time) but at the same time, I’m so glad it’s over. I’ve changed a lot over Year 12 and my life has changed too. This year didn’t end the best way possible which is proving difficult to deal with but I’ll get there.

I’ve decided to write this post, summing up what this year has involved, how I’ve found it etc. Be prepared, this is probably going to be a long one.

The Beginning of The End

The sad reality about Sixth Form is that it is signalling the end of your school career. This was the last school year of being a child, my birthday is the first weekend back at school so I’ll spend the vast majority of my next school year as an adult which is a really weird thing to think.

In terms of my Sixth Form, I decided to stay on at my secondary school and enrol in their Sixth Form. I know a lot of people expected me to go to a Grammar for Sixth Form but that was a big no for me. Yes, my GCSEs would have probably got me into one but I didn’t want to go through the travelling and I’m someone who hates change so obviously, I didn’t like the idea of changing school when I didn’t need to.

The experience of being in Sixth Form has been weird. It is definitely this weird mixture of being in Sixth Form but merging with the whole school. My tutor group this year was still part of the vertical tutoring across the whole school which ended up with me being the only Sixth Former in a room of younger years. We also have our own ‘team’ in the Sixth Form but you also have your Heads of House but you don’t. All of our lessons still take place on the proper school site and our study room is by all the Maths rooms but at least we have our own little building to stay away from everyone else.


Personally, I didn’t find the jump to Year 12 bad at all. Yes, there’s slightly more work but you have frees when you can do it. I did start out with 4 A levels and dropped down to 3 but it looks like they encouraged everyone who took four to do this anyway.

I personally don’t have a part-time job so I definitely had more time than other people to do work. During this school term, I did roughly 24 hours of studying a week, sometimes more sometimes less. You can definitely see all this work reflected in my grades compared to everyone else but I went a bit too far. I ended up not doing anything but studying and this is something I definitely want to improve upon going into next year.

English Literature

Yes, this was the subject I dropped. Truthfully, I really miss it. I approach all my subjects in an Englishy way if that makes sense. One of my friends still takes it and I helped her with an essay for it and I actually really enjoyed it. I also remember a lot about the different texts which surprised me. I definitely wouldn’t go back and not drop it, I didn’t feel comfortable in the class and the books weren’t great but I do still miss it.

English Lit


History is definitely my smallest class with a total of 5 people in the class (including myself). History is definitely the most content-heavy of my subjects, I currently have 4 folders on the go and a 5th for my coursework. The topic: Britain Transformed 1918-97 is definitely my favourite, probably due to it being very politics heavy. The America course I’m doing is okay, it’s definitely my least favourite out of the three. I’m studying America 1920-55 which is basically just the Great Depression plus a little bit afterwards. The parts of American History that I would be interested in all takes place in another course that I’m not doing which is sad. I’ve started studying the Witch craze now and it’s okay. I think when we get to the witch trials themselves it will be more interesting but I can see there is a LOT to learn for this paper.

I also have coursework for History which is a change for GCSE. I’m having to do my coursework on the New Deal which is annoying. Why? Because that is basically my America paper but focusing on the part I find the most boring. I actually haven’t got that far through the coursework yet but it looks like you basically have to compare different historian’s interpretations of the New Deal which I guess is quite good as it was quite a polarising issue but it’s really not that interesting.


Media Studies

Well, this is definitely my least organised lesson. We have literally done random parts of the specification without going into the whole detail required. I am finding the course really interesting though and it is definitely the subject I ‘get’ the easiest.

I’ve started my coursework for Media this year too and we get to create film marketing for a film we’ve made up. My one is personally a hybrid genre of romance and time travel (if you can class that as a genre). We basically have to create two posters, a DVD cover and a website for it and it’s actually going really well. I really need to find some time to take photos though as I need to replace the images but I think I’m currently ahead of everyone else so I don’t think I have anything to worry about.


Drama and Theatre

I actually really like this subject, more I think than I expected. My class is small again, only six people in total, which I actually think works really well. It definitely means that we’ve grown well as a group and we get on well (most of the time). GCSE Drama was a struggle as I was definitely the one ‘in charge’ and that’s kind of the same this year. When it came to the practical parts, I was the one who kind of became the leader as it was the only way to get anything done.

I’ve already completed two performances (where the acting doesn’t actually count towards the final mark thankfully), studied one of my set plays and have a live theatre example. Next year is definitely going to be busy as we need to complete a devised piece, a performed piece in front of an examiner and study another set play. It is going to be weird next year as all my Drama teachers left last year but I’m sure we can all get through it.


Mock Exams

I’ve had two lots of Mock exams this year and my results have definitely improved throughout the year.

In my first lot of mock exams I got:

  • Drama – A
  • History – B
  • Media – B

I also recently had another set of mock exams in the last week of June where I managed to achieve:

  • Drama – B
  • History – A
  • Media – A*

As you can imagine, I’m very happy about my results and it does reflect the work I’ve put in but at the same time, I definitely need to think about the work I’ve put in and weaken it. I need to find time to relax rather than just study every single day. I do have more mocks next year before my actual exams so it will definitely be interesting to see how that goes.

The Committee

I don’t think I mentioned it on here before I disappeared but I applied to be chair of the Sixth Form Committee and I got it!! The role of the Committee is to basically plan all the events that take place during the year such as non-school uniform, activities for Christmas, yearbook and prom. I’ve only been head for about 8 weeks so I’m still trying to work out how to approach it all but I’m trying.

Before the break for Summer, the Committee actually managed to create a summer event. It was a sporty, activity event with things such as a tug-of-war, obstacle course, watertight and soak the teacher. I think it went really well, even though there were only 19 of us who actually showed up in the end. We raised about £20 which is good so we can use that for any events coming up and buy a whiteboard eraser for the Committee room which we really do need.

In terms of the other members, it’s okay. A few people have already quit and a lot don’t term up for meetings but then again it is voluntary. I’m going to be tougher next year, keeping a note of everyone who attends meetings so be warned everyone on the committee reading this.

Thoughts on After Year 13

Whelp. This has certainly been a confusing year in this regard. I went into this year thinking that I was going to study Creative Writing at a local university. From there, I have definitely had a range of other stuff:

  • Film Production
  • TV Production
  • History
  • History and Politics
  • History and Film

I’ve also changed a lot whether I want to move away for university or stay local (although when I thought I would move away, I still wanted to apply to my local universities). I had my heart set on doing History and Politics applying for universities local and up to 2 hours away.

Then the breakdown happened.

I haven’t been doing that well mentally recently. I had a lot of stuff that I hadn’t worked through and stuff from the past came to the surface again. My anxiety has become really bad again but I’m working on it. It kind of all started when I went to Oxford University open day and I had a HUGE meltdown then. I had secretly had Oxford as my university of choice but it wasn’t for me. I struggled. I realised that the only reason I wanted to go to University was so I could have a degree to become a teacher. That’s it. I didn’t want to experience all the social life or the moving away, I just wanted to get a degree.

It was then I discovered the Open University and I think that’s going to be the way for me to go. Currently, I’m thinking of studying English Literature and Creative Writing (told you I missed English) but you never know it might change again and that’s okay. I’ve also been thinking about possibly doing this degree part-time alongside an apprenticeship but we’ll have to see.

Beyond Year 13.JPG

Looking Forward to Year 13

Year 13 is weird, isn’t it? I know it’s going to fly by and by this point, I think I’m ready for school to end. That place isn’t filled with the best memories and I just want to get it over and done with now.

I have been asked to help the little Year 7’s when they start which is nice. I also have a lot of Committee stuff to do and all my exam stuff. It’s definitely going to be a busy year.

I hope you enjoyed this post. How have you found your academic year if you’re in education? Is there anything you’re looking forward to?

Beth x 

5 Fun Suggestions.png

My work experience

Hey everyone!

So, you’re probably aware that I had my work experience week, last week. I had a really great time and thought it would be cool to share it with you. Making a blog post about it also makes a little record for myself so in the future, I can look back on it.

To give a little background, in the UK, every student must complete a week of work experience if they’re in post-16 education. My school decided to do it in Year 12 so it doesn’t interfere with our exam period which I’m definitely behind. I managed to get my work experience down at my local council offices alongside two of my close friends. We weren’t all in the same area but we still had each other at our lunch break.

I decided to work in two areas for my work experience: HR and Communications. Being honest, I don’t have an interest in HR but I thought that would be an area I could definitely get work experience for. The Communications area, I didn’t know existed but I asked to go to an area for media and so this was the answer.

Monday – HR

My first day of work experience, I was in HR. Of course, I wasn’t that interested but I arrived at the same time as one of my friends which helped a lot. I didn’t know what to expect but the offices were an open plan and the technology was very out of date.

I didn’t realise how much filing I would have to do in HR. That was basically the whole of my Monday of work experience. I also did some scanning and printing but that was basically it.

I wasn’t expecting it to be absolutely amazing but I definitely hoped for more. I was happy though that I had communications to look forward to the next day.

Tuesday – Communications

I didn’t know what to expect when I had my first day in Communications on Tuesday. I was in a different area to HR and didn’t know what it actually did.

After a quick meeting with the top people in Communications where we discussed what I wanted to get out of my work experience with them, I discovered more about what Communications was about.

It was amazing!! The person I stayed with for the day was in charge of the press office so I got to see how they dealt with media enquiries. I went with her to help her answer a query phoned in from the BBC and help answer a question from a journalist. I loved finding out all those little details of stories.

The rest of the day I spent writing up a Press Release. It wasn’t for anything too complicated but I was essentially told to just write it without a lot of information or ever actually seeing a press release. I was worried I was adding too little and then too much. It was still quite fun to do, even if it was for quite a boring subject.

Wednesday – Communications

As you could probably tell, I enjoyed Tuesday a lot more than Monday so I was actually really excited to go in on Wednesday. I started off the day by going through my press release with a fresh set of eyes. I changed a couple of things and then emailed it to the person who I was with yesterday so she could change it into an actual press release.

Next, I went with another person from Communications to take photos for their social media campaign. This was definitely the thing I enjoyed the most as it meant me going outside with a really nice quality camera to take photos of flowers which is one of my favourite things. The people in Communications were really impressed with my photos which were made in a collage and are going to be used in their actual social media campaign!!! *squeals*.

My press release was the next thing I looked at, going over it with the person I sent it to. She had changed it a little to fit the guidelines but it was still basically my press release. It was actually used by the Council this week which was so cool.

The day ended with me going to a staff briefing which was quite boring. I think it was because the information wasn’t aimed at me. I was then talked to by the Chief Executive (I know right!) and he was really nice but definitely trying to get me to work there in the future.

Thursday – Communications

It was my last day in Communications which I was actually really sad about. Thursday was definitely a ‘bitty’ day. By that I mean everyone had work to do and nothing to give to me. I did sit in a few meetings (which I’d done earlier in the week but forgot to mention, oops). They were okay but in a meeting, it just kind of meant sitting there and listening.

I had nothing to do that afternoon so I spent time looking at their different areas on their websites and creating notes on how to improve their social media (which they never saw so it was actually quite pointless).

Friday – HR

Friday was my last day of work experience! I definitely had mixed feelings about it ending as I really did enjoy working in Communications but I wasn’t looking forward to going back to HR. Luckily though, I couldn’t work with HR that morning as they were doing job evaluations so I was able to go back to Communications!! I made some job packs, helped write a summary of the Council appearing in the news and read some newsletters.

I didn’t mention it above but every lunch break, I hang out with my two other friends who were also on work experience with me there. As it was our last day there, after eating our lunch we decided to walk to a tea room to have a treat. I had the amazing drink of still mineral water as being lactose intolerant really does restrict you. It was nice though and we had a laugh (especially when one of them took out a calculator to work out how to split the bill).

That afternoon I was back in HR and spent the rest of my time watching the lady I was with, do HR stuff. It wasn’t that interesting but at the same time, it kind of was.

Overall Thoughts

Work experience was something I was not looking forward to. I had to do work experience two years ago and ended up making myself ill due to my anxiety. This time though I managed to get through the whole week, having anxiety but it not being too bad.

What it has done though is make me unsure of what I want to do after Sixth Form. I was really set on going to university (but only a near one so I can continue to live at home) but this work experience has changes my thoughts a lot. I enjoyed Communications a lot and I could definitely see myself doing it in the future as a career. I can get an Apprenticeship with that Council so I could instead of going to University, earn money and work in Communications. I’ll just have to see how I’m feeling towards the end of the year when I have to start applying to things.

If you have actually managed to read the whole of this, thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed it. Have you been on work experience recently? Has work experience made you question your future decisions? Are you at university or doing an apprenticeship? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

Bethany x

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Halfway Through Year 12

Hey everyone!

I’ve been a bit absent recently but I’m hoping to change that by structuring my time better and actually following my timetables I’ve set up to help keep me organised. It’s so strange to think that I’ve done 3/6 half terms of Year 12 and be basically a quarter of the way through Sixth Form!

Work Experience

This is the biggest thing that happened this half term and the thing I was dreading the most. So, I completed my work experience last week and I loved it?! I want to create a separate post, going into detail about how it worked but I actually feel sad that I’m not going back. The problem is that I’m now debating whether university is the right way to go or whether to get an apprenticeship with them instead. Working out that answer is definitely going to be my main job next term.


So, I signed up to do an EPQ!! I know it’s a lot of work but after talking to other people who have also or are doing it, apparently, it isn’t too stressful. I keep wondering whether to do it or not but at the moment I’ve decided to keep doing it and do the work I need to do and then if I want to drop out, I can. [Hey, this is future me. Since writing this post I have decided to drop doing an EPQ]

18 inspirational quotes for (30)

Getting ill

I guess another thing that happened this half term was that I got ill. I managed to catch it off my friend but I ended up missing a week of school. I got that illness nearly a month ago and my throat still isn’t 100%. Luckily, I didn’t miss too much at school which is great but it still sucks to be ill.

Looking forward to next half term

Next half term is going to be quite manic for me as it is the term of trying to decide what I want to do next year. I’m going to this giant convention of universities and apprenticeships next week and then another day in March I’m going to a conference about Oxbridge.  I think it will be really interesting and probably quite confusing to decide between university and apprenticeships.

I know a lot of things didn’t happen this half term but sometimes there just isn’t anything to write about. If you’re in education, how is your academic year going so far?

Bethany x

Welcome Back! (14)

A Sixth Form Update

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a post out but I’m hoping to change that. I’ve written out a list of posts I’d like to write and I’ve allocated a day a week of blog writing (provided I’ve actually finished all my homework). So, after finishing another term at Sixth Form before Christmas, I thought I’d give you an update on how I’m finding Sixth Form. If you’d like to read about my first term at Sixth Form, you can here

I Dropped English Literature!

Who saw that happening? English Literature was the one subject I knew I was going to take at A Level but at the start of this last term, I decided to drop it. I was getting stressed and kept falling ill and so I knew I had to drop a subject. English Literature was the subject I decided to drop as it was the one I disliked the most. It was a hard thing to do as I love books so much but dropping English Literature doesn’t mean I hate books, it just means I don’t like analysing them and reading the books chosen for you. It was a hard thing to do but I’m happy I did it.

Dropping Out of Opportunities

Do remember that Enterprise Club, well my friends and I decided to stop doing it. It wasn’t enjoyable at all and was just another bit of stress we did not need. I also applied to help the younger years as a mentor but the times to do it clashed with my lessons so I didn’t technically drop out of that one, I just couldn’t do it.

Mock Exams

I had mock exams and I actually did really well in them. So, I got:

  • Media Studies – B
  • History – B
  • Drama – A

I honestly have no idea how I managed to get an A in Drama but I’m very pleased with it. My teacher apparently changed the given grade boundaries so I would have actually got an A*. For my first set of mocks, I’m very happy with those results but I know with revision and practice, I can definitely get higher.

Deciding About University

Aargh!! University really confused me last term. You see, I had my mindset on going to University to study English Literature and Creative Writing but that’s not happening now. I’m definitely thinking about going down a media route at university. At the moment it’s between Television Production and Journalism but Journalism definitely has the lead at the moment.

What’s next?

Well, the most important thing happening this term is that I have work experience *groans*. I’m doing mine at my local council which should be really interesting but then again, it’s not really in the area I’m interested in. I did try to get to work with my Dad but that, unfortunately, wasn’t possible. This term will as well be deciding more about university and I’ve actually signed up for this Oxbridge thing about universities although I wouldn’t want to go to either of them.

I hope you all found this insight interesting and have a wonderful day!

Bethany x

Blogmas Day 12

Hey everyone!

So today was an exciting day, wasn’t it? The whole vote of no confidence has been so exciting and I’ve been checking the updates as often as possible. I’m writing this before the results have come out and I’m honestly not sure what way it will go.

It was all quite relaxing in my lessons today. History was spent going through sheets, Media was spent watching Luther and Drama doing some costume designs.

I didn’t really do much today but I did manage to write the blog post for tomorrow (hint: it might involve a certain TV show I’m a huge fan of)

I hope you all had an interesting day!

Bethany x

Blogmas Day 11

Hey everyone!

It was pyjama day at my Sixth Form today but personally, I didn’t fancy taking part in it. I just don’t like the idea of coming into school in them so I just wore comfy clothes instead. They also played Christmas films throughout the day which we could watch during our frees which were cool.

I had media twice today and I think as we’re so near the end of term, they’ve decided to stop teaching us new content so in one lesson I watched life on mars and in the other, an episode of Luther.

In my Drama lesson today I got back my mock exam and I got an A! I definitely did better on the live production questions but I had revised the most for that so it was expected but I’m really proud of my grade.

My teacher was absent in my History lesson but I started making notes on changes in education which is actually quite interesting.

So that was my day, I hope you all had a good day.

Bethany x

Blogmas Day 10

Hey everyone!

Last night my two New Guinea pigs tried out living with my older one and they seemed to have got on really well which is fantastic news.

My first lesson today was Drama and I started to create some costume designs for the characters Simon and Grusha in the play we are studying (which is Caucasian Chalk Circle). This was quite difficult as there’s no mention of when the play is set which means I have no idea what style of clothes would be suitable.

Afterwards, I had History where I got back my grade for my America question I did in my mock which I got a B on! This was the first time I had done a question completely from scratch so I was very happy with that Grade.

Media Studies I also got back my grade and it was another B! I knew I had messed up on timing so at least I know better for next time I attempt another exam paper. After quickly going through these, we spent the rest of the lesson watching an episode of Life on Mars, a TV show I’m studying.

The rest of my school day was spent in frees which I completed the homework I had received in my History and made some more notes for the Wall Street Crash.

This evening I’ve been following the Brexit stuff really closely. I watched the talks for four hours, looking at the response on Twitter. I absolutely LOVE politics and so all these revaluations today were very exciting for me.

I hope you all had a wonderful day! P.S. it’s only 15 days until Christmas!!!

Bethany x

12 Days of Bethany – Day 5

Hey everyone!

So I mentioned in one of my Blogmas posts that I would do a study with me post and here it is! I hope you enjoy it.

To-Do List

So this was actually the day before my History mock exam Sam so I decided to create a To-Do List so I would get round to everything I needed/wanted to do for my exam tomorrow.


I had heard of blurting before this but had never personally tried it and it actually worked quite well. The premise of it is to just grab a piece of paper and just write everything you know about a certain topic. This was amazing at seeing what things I knew well and what areas I needed to focus on.


I find flashcards the best way to revise the key information for History so I decided to go through my flashcards. I went through them at least three times that day and it really helps to get the information in.

How to answer each Question

If you’ve ever studied History, you will now that for every single paper there’s a different style of question so not only do you have to learn the content, but you have to learn how to answer the questions too! I made a summary on how to answer the two questions I had on my exam and it really helped me.

Summary Sheets

For all the topics I needed to know for my exam, I created a summary sheet. I used my revision notes and textbooks to create a summary of each section which allowed me to condense a large topic into a single sheet of paper. This worked really well the morning before the exam as I was able to read all the information quickly before the exam.


I hadn’t really used Quizlet before GCSE but I could tell that if I continued to make physical flashcards, I would end up having too many. I decided to try out Quizlet and it has honestly changed my life. The learn section is absolutely amazing and I’m now using it for History and Drama and I’m sure I’ll end up using it for Media Studies too.

So that’s how I revised for my History mock! I hope you all found it interesting.

Bethany x