A Sixth Form Update


Hey everyone!!

So I’ve finally finished my first half term of sixth form *throws confetti*. I now have a week off which I’m going to use to do my homework, sort out notes/revision and write blog posts. I thought it would be interesting to share how I’m finding my sixth form so far so here we go:

Taking 4 A Levels

Yes, I am insane. For A-Level I decided to take four subjects even though most take only three. I had four subjects that I was interested in and so I decided to just take all of them. Being honest, I haven’t found it too difficult to balance four (and the most packed at that) so I’m very happy with my choice. I just have to manage my time well which I’m luckily good at.

English Literature

So I have two different teachers for English Lit (like all my A-Level subjects) and with one teacher I’m studying A Streetcar Named Desire and with the other, I’m studying A Thousand Splendid Suns. I’m definitely enjoying Streetcar the most as it’s one of the main reasons I wanted to take the subject. All I need to do is make sure I’m keeping on top of my note-taking and make good notes but I’m really enjoying it overall.

Media Studies

I LOVE Media Studies. It was a bit slow in the beginning as it was everything I did for GCSE but now we’re getting into it properly and it’s so good. We’re doing set texts with one of the teachers and with the others we’ve started analysing Life on Mars which I’m really enjoying.

18 inspirational quotes for (25)


I wasn’t sure whether to take Drama or not but I’m so glad I did. I’ve already performed in front of the class which has really helped with my confidence when it comes to having a class of new people. Drama is a nice mix of practical and written which is good compared to my other written heavy subjects.


History is definitely the most content-heavy subject. There is a lot to cover and already there’s so much that I need to learn but I’m really enjoying learning the topics. I prefer the social history to the political side so I’m excited to get to those sections especially.


At my Sixth Form, there’s been a lot of opportunities that I could take which was not available last year. I was able to help out with an interview day for the year above and I even got to take part in a fake interview. My anxiety really played up, especially in the interview but I got through it. It means that when I have to do it next year I’ll definitely be more confident. I’ve also joined an Enterprise club where I’m starting up a business with my friends. I actually have a survey for market research which I’d really appreciate if you could fill it out by clicking here. I’ve also signed up to be a well-being mentor for the younger years which should be good. The things I’ve done are only a fraction of what opportunities have been available which is so amazing.

What’s next?

Well on Halloween I’m going on a Drama trip to see the performance I’ll be writing about in my exam which should be good. I also have exams coming up in the first week of December so that will take up a lot of my time. I’m also hopefully going to a University Open Day in November which I’m so excited about.

So overall I’m really enjoying Sixth Form so well. I hope you enjoyed this post.

Bethany x

Welcome Back! (11)

5 thoughts on “A Sixth Form Update

  1. I am so glad to hear that things are going well, and that you are embracing all of your subjects and all of the opportunities offered to you! Hope things continue to go well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a post out but I’m hoping to change that. I’ve written out a list of posts I’d like to write and I’ve allocated a day a week of blog writing (provided I’ve actually finished all my homework). So, after finishing another term at Sixth Form before Christmas, I thought I’d give you an update on how I’m finding Sixth Form. If you’d like to read about my first term at Sixth Form, you can here […]


  3. […] It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a post out but I’m hoping to change that. I’ve written out a list of posts I’d like to write and I’ve allocated a day a week of blog writing (provided I’ve actually finished all my homework). So, after finishing another term at Sixth Form before Christmas, I thought I’d give you an update on how I’m finding Sixth Form. If you’d like to read about my first term at Sixth Form, you can here […]


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