A Fresh Start

Hey everyone!

So after some deliberation, I have decided that I’m rebranding! *throws confetti*

Bethany & Books was something I created when I was going through some bad stuff. This blog served as comfort as I dealt with different things in my life and for that, I will always treasure it BUT I don’t need it anymore.

The thing is, since starting this blog I’ve dramatically changed as a person. I don’t want to blog about books even though I love them and that’s okay. I found out what I’ve been kind of dreading which is basically everyone in my year at school know about my blog and that’s okay too. I’ve realised that I probably won’t have a long term relationship with someone other than my family and that’s okay too. I’m learning to accept and love myself for who I am and that’s all that matters.

So, what does the rebrand mean?

Well aside from the name change in all my social media’s, nothing much. I’ll still be blogging but I won’t have the pressure of blogging about books. I want to blog more about my life and experiences. I want to bring a section where I talk about TV shows and Films which is something I’m really passionate about and what I want to do as a career. Basically, this blog will just be more personal and more about my life rather than books. I’ll still blog about asexuality and books from time to time but it allows me more creative freedom.

I hope you all understand my decision and look forward to this fresh start and adventure here on my blog, Bethany & Life šŸ’›

Bethany x

7 thoughts on “A Fresh Start

  1. Looking forward to following along with the new start. Been nice meeting you and looking forward to chatting more and more. Cheers.


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